Public Speaking Tips

Hi delegates! 

As we continue counting down the days to BMUN 72, I wanted to provide some advice on speeches and speaking in general. 

First, and most importantly, breathe and have fun with it! I understand how scary it can be to speak in front of others, but we're all here to learn together. Your speech doesn't have to be the most perfectly polished to be good---we're looking for meaningful research that relates to and aligns with your countries' stances on the topics at hand. Use that knowledge and apply it to new solutions. Just try to be confident and remember to practice, practice, practice! 

When you're speaking, remember to project your voice and enunciate clearly so you are understandable to everyone in the audience. Try not to be monotone and speak with varied intonation. Don't be afraid to be creative! We love well-researched speeches, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring. Try out different hooks and endings to your speeches to be engaging. Reading from notes is okay, but speeches without notes are much better. Use hand gestures to communicate more effectively, but don't overthink it. Much of this comes easier when you are less stressed, which comes with practice! 

More broadly, remember it's okay to take pauses and breathe. Chances are that when you're speaking in front of a large audience, you are talking much faster than you realize, so remember to pace yourself. Especially if what you have to say is more technical, give some pauses not just to allow your brain to catch up with itself, but to allow the audience to process the information you're providing. Utilize your tone to come across as convincing and keep your fellow delegates' attention.

With these tips in mind, we cannot wait to welcome you to BMUN 72 in the near future. Looking forward to meeting all of you soon :)


Medina Danish 



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